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Explore Voxblock's ever-expanding collection of audiobooks authored by renowned writers. Dive into their literary worlds and enjoy their timeless tales, all accessible through the new screen-free audiobook player from Voxblock.

At Voxblock, we're all about making audiobooks more accessible and enjoyable for everyone. Founded in 2021 we've been on a mission to revolutionise the way you listen to stories.

We've got an incredible selection of audiobook sets for all age groups. Whether you're looking for the perfect bedtime routine or an engaging story to keep your child entertained on a long journey, we've got you covered. Our curated collection will transport your children to far-off lands, introduce them to unforgettable characters, and make you laugh, cry, and everything in between.

So, why choose Voxblock? Well, aside from our awesome audiobooks products, we're passionate about providing a unique and screen free audio experience. We believe that audiobooks have the power to ignite your imagination, spark curiosity, and create lasting memories. And with our carefully selected range of audiobooks, all available in our award winning physical format, we're here to help you find the perfect story for any young listener.

Audiobook resources

Explore our library

Our library of audiobooks is growing all the time. Browse in multiple ways the entire catalogue.

audiobook author


From world famous to up and coming authors, we work hard to create our catalogue.

Audiobook Narrator


The narrator is so important. See who narrates our library.


We have a growing library of audiobooks. Browse the whole catalogue here.


Read in more detail about many of our titles with our overviews of what each story is about.


Read along as you listen to the extract from the audiobook.


Books come in series. Liked the first? Love the rest!


Read about your favourites characters from much loved stories.

audiobook author


Who do we work with to develop our library?