Can You See Me? Audiogramme
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Audio Transcription
Can You See Me?

Menace English she possibly can
and it would drag you in and keep your hostage amongst the Brooms and mops and buckets.
And you will have to stay at school for the rest of your life.
Tally doesn't even blink.
she isn't afraid of made up Monsters
there are far scarier things roaming the school corridors than two headed Beast
she's quite sure of that.
come on Tally
Nell is impatient now.
Down from there.
I'm totally not in the mood for Mum and Dad giving me another lecture about how I should be keeping an eye on you.
Like you're some kind of baby or something.
I'm not a baby.
And I didn't ask you to come out here.
tally glares down at now
just go away and pretend that you didn't see me.
Well, you're lucky it was me that Court you are not them.
now frowns
imagining the argument that would have followed if her parents had spotted. They youngest daughter on top of the shed.
Tali shakes her head
she doesn't feel very lucky to have moaning nagging boring now ruining her thinking time.
You'll be grounded for a week if they see you up there.
Warnes now
They won't even let you into the garden if they think they can't trust you.
Tally looks away from her big sister and across the garden fence towards the street.
She knows that if she stands up she can see between the houses.
And as far as the park.
She can see further than Nell can.
up here
she is waitlist and free.
the opposite of grounded
Where are they?
She asks now.
Mum and Dad
now glances back towards the house which is almost hidden by the old apple tree.
Tagging under the weight of all the unpicked fruit.
The entire garden is turned into a jungle this summer.
They're out by the front gate talking to Mrs jessop and her gross dog.
she tells Tally
I don't know how she can take it for walks when it looks like that it's embarrassing.
It's not Rupert's fault that he's got three legs.
Tally is an impressed with nails attitude.
Don't be so horrible.
Think about how you'd feel you had three legs.
You wouldn't like it if people thought you looked gross. Would you?
Now rolls her eyes.
what ever
Bye wouldn't go outside- either.
It wouldn't Force other people to look at my freaking.
Now get down before they come out here and see you.
She waits for a response but tally isn't listening.
she is clambering to her feet and balancing on the roof.
Shading her eyes with one hand as she peers into the distance.
I think there's a fair going up in the park.
There's a load of people and caravans.
And I can see a big truck. They looks like it has dodging cars on the back.
now squints up at Tally
can't be right.
The fair isn't coming for month's yet.
And will you please get down before you fall off and I get the blame?
I'm not going to fall off.
And I can see the fair actually.
you sure
now strains to stand on her tiptoes and look in the direction of the park, but she can't see a thing.
The fair is one of the few things that they both agree.
Is a good thing?
It doesn't matter that nail is 14 and Tally is only 11.
When the fair is in town, they are both as excited as each other.
Tally plants are feet more firmly and leans forward trying to identify the different lorries and vans.
I think I can see the twirl.
and there's something that could be part of the Carousel
it looks like one of the horses anyway.
There's the sound of scrambling beneatha and suddenly Nails Head pops up from the top of the lad.
Are you sure it's actually setting up in our park?
Her voices ego with an added tinge of apprehension.
This wouldn't be the first time that tally has got things wrong.
See for yourself.
Tally waves are hand towards the distance.
If you don't believe me.
There's a moment of hesitation and then nail climbs the last few rungs and crawls her way up the roof to wear Tali is standing.
I still can't see anything.
I can see the Haunted House
tally looks down at now a huge beaming smiles spreading across her face.
a really can
it's too much for now.
She pulls herself to her feet and balances alongside Talley on the ridge of the shed.
Her hand reaching out in gripping tallies, so tightly that the blood throbs and hums in her fingers.
You're right.
It is the fair.
I told you.
Tali doesn't mind her sister's lack of faith.
She knew that she was right all along.
Together they watched as the lorries are opened and machinery is pulled out in assembled.
It almost magic.
the way that the ordinary clunky bits

Can You See Me?
With diary entries written by 11-year-old Libby Scott, based on her own experiences of autism, this pioneering book, written in collaboration with esteemed author Rebecca Westcott, has been widely praised for its realistic portrayal of autism.
Tally is 11 years old, and she's just like her friends. Well, sometimes she is. If she tries really hard to be. Because there's something that makes Tally not the same as her friends. Something she can't cover up, no matter how hard she tries: Tally is autistic.
Tally's autism means there are things that bother her even though she wishes they didn't. It means that some people misunderstand her and feel frustrated by her.
People think that because Tally's autistic, she doesn't realise what they're thinking, but Tally sees and hears - and notices - all of it. And, honestly? That's not the easiest thing to live with.
Endearing, insightful and warmly uplifting, Can You See Me? is a story of autism, empathy and kindness that will touch listeners of all ages.
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