News and Articles from Voxblock

TravelEnjoying Your Holidays with Voxblock: A Parent's Guide

Enjoying Your Holidays with Voxblock: A Parent's Guide

Taking a holiday with kids can be both exciting and a tad challenging. Keeping them entertained while also ensuring they get enough rest can sometimes feel like a juggling act. That's where Voxbloc...

Travel10 Summer Stories Perfect For Summer Travels

10 Summer Stories Perfect For Summer Travels

Summer is here, and with it comes the perfect opportunity for family adventures and holidays! Whether you're headed to the beach, countryside, or a city break, a Voxblock player loaded with fantast...

TravelFive Reasons Summer Travel is Easier with Voxblock

Five Reasons Summer Travel is Easier with Voxblock

We all know how difficult it can be to travel with kids. Imagine long queues, lack of wifi and early starts, just some of the things that can make travelling a bit of a challenge. It can be hard to...

Travel7 Reasons to pack Voxblock on your next holiday

7 Reasons to pack Voxblock on your next holiday

Travelling with kids can be… interesting! Long queues, lack of wifi and early starts are just some of the things that can make it a challenge. Enter Voxblock, an ideal companion for your journey (a...

TravelA young girl wears headphones as she learns by listening to an audiobook in the classroom

How can I keep my child learning over the summer holidays?

Can you use audiobooks for learning? Listening to stories is a great way to supplement your child's education over the summer holidays.